
Referències bibliogràfiques

Referències bibliogràfiques

  • Acejo, I. L., & Abila, S. S. (2016). Rubbing out gender: women and merchant ships. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 5(2), 123–138.
  • Barahona-Fuentes, C., Castells-Sanabra, M., Jiménez, S. O., & Gavilán, J. T. (2019). Gender equality policies for the incorporation of the gender perspective in maritime studies: A case study. 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA 2019 - Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities Conference, IAMUC 2019, 321–328.
  • Barahona-Fuentes, C., Castells-Sanabra, M., Ordás, S., & Torralbo, J. (2020). Female figures in maritime education and training institutions between 2009 and 2018: analysing possible impacts of gender policies. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 19(1), 143–158.
  • Barahona-Fuentes, C., Sanabra, M. C. I., Jimenez, S. O., & Gavilan, J. T. (2018). The evolution of female figures in met institutions over a decade: Some case studies. AGA 2018 - 19th Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 320–328.
  • Barsan, E., & Muntean, C. (2009). Project PRACNAV for a better on board training curricula. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 725–729.
  • Baya, W. T. (2015). Education for Career-Building: How Women in the Maritime Industry Can Use Education to Improve Knowledge, Skills, Organizational Learning and Development, and Knowledge Transfer. 167–178.
  • Belev, B., Mrčelić, G. J., Jurić, Z., & Karin, I. (2020). Analysis of Female Interest in Maritime Education at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Varna and at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split. Transactions on Maritime Science, 9(2), 342–349.
  • Buckley, J. J. (2008). Leadership style: The continuing gender debate. 9th Annual General Assembly 2008 - International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 321–331.
  • Cars, M. B., & Österman, C. (2015). Mind the Gap! Maritime Education for Gender-Equal Career Advancement (pp. 143–153). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Day, A. L., & Livingstone, H. A. (2003). Gender differences in perceptions of stressors and utilization of social support among university students. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 35(2), 73–83.
  • DRAGOMIR, C. (2019). Gender in Postmodernism Maritime Transport. Postmodern Openings, 10(1), 182–192.
  • Elsaeed, L., & Abdelgalil, E. (2008). Women maritime education and training: An Egyptian perspective. 9th Annual General Assembly 2008 - International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 70–85.
  • Fidan, V., GÜNAY, E., Akpınar, G., & Atacan, C. (2020). Gender Discrimination Perception Among Maritime Students In Turkey. Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 8(3), 162–176.
  • Horck, J. (2010). The gender perspective in maritime education and training. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 9(1), 93–119.
  • Jones, R. G. (2008). Empowering professional women in the Maritime World: The WMU contribution. In WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (Vol. 7, Issue 2). Springer Verlag.
  • Kitada, M., Carballo Piñeiro, L., & Mejia, M. Q. (2019). Empowering women in the maritime community. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 2019 18:4, 18(4), 525–530.
  • Kitada, M., & Harada, J. (2019). Progress or regress on gender equality: The case study of selected transport STEM careers and their vocational education and training in Japan. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1.
  • Kitada, M., & Langaker, L. S. N. (2017). “The body” matters in maritime employment contracts. 18th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities - Global Perspectives in MET: Towards Sustainable, Green and Integrated Maritime Transport, IAMU 2017, 1, 383–391.
  • Mafi, K. K. (2020). Strengthening the national maritime education and training system to increase women’s representation in the maritime industry: the case of Tonga.
  • Mahabir-Lee, S., & Rambarath-Parasram, V. (2019). Forging ahead: leveraging inclusive and equitable education to bridge the gender gap in the Caribbean. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 18(4), 617–637.
  • Maleki, F. S., & Stephens, G. M. (2017). A case study on gender gap in Massachusetts maritime academy. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2017-June.
  • Mina, S., Cristea, V. G., & Surugiu, F. (2014). Qualitative Analysis of the Feedback on the Educational Processes in Constanta Maritime University. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149, 585–590.
  • Nancy, P., Batu, L., Tinggi, S., & Pelayaran, I. (2018). Female Students’ Perception on Gender in Maritime Institute in Jakarta. International Journal of Education and Research, 6(10).
  • Novas, M., Filgueira, A., Fiorucci, M. P., & López, A. (2015). GENDER STEREOTYPES IN TECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES: UNIVERSITY OF A CORUÑA CASE STUDY. INTED2015 Proceedings, 6745–6751.
  • Pike, K., Wadsworth, E., Honebon, S., Broadhurst, E., Zhao, M., & Zhang, P. (2021). Gender in the maritime space: How can the experiences of women seafarers working in the UK shipping industry be improved? Journal of Navigation.
  • Popescu, C., & Varsami, A. E. (2010). The place of women in a men’s world from a Maritime University perspective. International Conference on Engineering Education and International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies - Proceedings, 182–186.
  • Popescu, C., Varsami, A., & Hanzu-Pazara, R. (2012). The place of women in constanta maritime university. Expanding Frontiers: Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Education and Training - Proceedings of the 13th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities, AGA-IAMU 2012, 269–276.
  • Roos, N. (2019). Female leaders in maritime professions - Finnish educational aspect. 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA 2019 - Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities Conference, IAMUC 2019, 287–293.
  • Saeed, L. E. (2015). Maritime education and training: A gender perspective. International Women’s Day Event, The Maritime World We Want. Malmö, 13.
  • Siyana Lutzkanova, A. (2019). Current trends in the maritime leadership training approaches. Science. Business. Society., 4(4), 139–141.
  • Walker, C., Gleaves, A., & Peart, D. (2003). Problems in the construction of gender and professional identities for women in a United Kingdom Merchant Navy training school. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 8(3), 285–304.
  • Zhao, M., Zhao, L., Zhang, P., Wu, J., Pike, K., & Broadhurst, E. (2017). Chinese women seafarers: A case study of the women cadets in Shanghai. Marine Policy, 83, 40–47.